
Malawi Sports Awards will be held at Bingu International Conference Centre in Lilongwe on March 9.

By Unknown - February 22, 2018

The government, through Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS), introduced the annual national sports awards, dubbed Malawi Sports Awards, to recognise outstanding athletes, individuals and organisations.
MNCS Administration Manager, Henry Mereka, said the awards would be an annual event.
“Through the awards’ scheme, we will strive to achieve different objectives, including encouraging stakeholders to be part of the sporting community and inspire those who participate in sports to aim higher in their respective disciplines.
“Through this initiative, we hope to promote pride, hard work and sportsmanship among athletes, stakeholders and encourage the corporate world into sports sponsorship and partnerships,” Mereka said.
He added that three final nominees will be selected from each category of the awards.
“All the nominees and award winners will receive various items as decided, from time to time, by the awards’ ceremony organisers and programme sponsors,” he said.
Categories to be considered include Junior Female Sportsperson (under-17), Junior Male Sportsperson (under-17), Sports Administrator, Non-Citizen, National Team, Sports Woman, Sports Man, Sports Woman with a disability, Sportsman with a disability, Best Executed Sports Development Programme, Sports District of the year, Umpire/Referee/ Judge, Coach and Sportsperson of the Year.

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