
Peter Mawanga is in United States of America (USA)

By Unknown - February 19, 2018

Peter Mawanga is in United States of America (USA) where he is holding shows with USA artist Andrew Finn Magill.
Mawanga said on Friday that he left two weeks ago for USA for a tour dubbed African Fiddle Fusion.
It is not the first time for Mawanga to perform in USA as, last year, he also made a tour with his Amaravi Movement alongside Faith Mussa.
“I am performing a duet with Andrew Finn Magill. Andrew and I will also be writing new songs during this tour,” Mawanga said.
The shows were expected to start on Saturday at Capon Bridge— to run up to March 4 2018.
Other places Mawanga and Magill are expected to perform at include Washington DC and Philadelphia.
It is not the first time for Mawanga and Magill to work together as their relationship can be traced to 2011.
In 2009, Magill received a Fulbright- Fellowship to co-write and co-produce an album with Mawanga that musically captures 10 experiences of HIV and Aids through songs in Malawi.

The album is titled Mau A Malawi: Stories of Aids and was released in 2011.
The ‘Amakhala Ku Blantyre’ composer said it is always a pleasure for him to perform in USA as he flies Malawi’s flag.
A self-proclaimed ‘Voice of the Voiceless’, Mawanga has used musicto speak for the under-privileged.
Fusing the rock outfit of drums-bass-guitar with the traditional sounds of Malawi’s marimba, thumb piano, and percussion, Mawanga said his music is Afro-vibes.
“My music is modern African sound that is intrinsically Malawian,” said the singer and guitarist.

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